Trip approval workflow

Once you have created a trip plan, the trip plan will need to move though an approval process before you commence booking your trip.  Depending on the complexity of the trip and your organisations approval workflow, this could mean a single approver is required or multiple approval steps are required in the case of an international trip to a DFATlevel4 or 5 destination.

At any stage you can see at what point your trip is in the approval process on your Trip Plan Summary page.  As we can see in the example below, my trip Supervisor has received the request and is yet to action it.  If you need to hurry things along, you can always use the 'ADD NOTE' option in as highlighted to send a quick message to anyone related to the trip as a prompt to get things done.


A Trip Approver reviews and approves dates, purpose and trip budgets. 

A High Risk Approver reviews trips to high risk destinations, ensuring each traveller has provided information required to facilitate traveller wellbeing when travelling to high risk locations.

Best Practice / Tip: an organisation typically has one High Risk Approver and the Trip Approvers are supervisors.

For further support you can view the following video, Video - How to Approve a Trip Request

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