Arranging Travel for Others

Travel Arrangers are able to create and manage trips on behalf of other travellers and must be internal to the organisation.

This article explains

  1. How to nominate someone as your travel arranger
  2. How to request to become someone's travel arranger
  3. How to accept a request from a travel arranger
  4. How to create profiles for external travellers

Internal Travellers - others within your organisation:

Travel arrangers are users that manage travel on behalf of other people, including travellers within and external to the organisation. There are two methods to become a Travel Arranger within your organisation:

  1. The first method is for the traveller to nominate you as their travel arranger. They do this by navigating to their profile, clicking on the blue + button adjacent to the Travel Profile heading, search for your name and adding you to their profile. Once they have done this, you will have full access to their profile.

  1. The second method is for you to look up the travellers name and request access to their profile. This is a two step process.
    1. The first step is to request access to the traveller's profile. You do this by selecting the travellers tab, clicking on the blue + button adjacent to Internal Travellers.
    2. Once you have found the person you're looking for, click on the ADD button. Nutrip will automatically send an email to the traveller requesting authorisation for you to access their profile.

  1. They will need to log into to Nutrip and authorise access by clicking on the green icon as shown in the image below.

Note: You can only search and add a traveller if they have previously logged into Nutrip and created a profile. If you cannot find a traveller within your organisation, then contact them and ask them to log into Nutrip to activate their profile. You will be able to find and request access to the profile once it has been activated.

External Travellers - others external to your organisation:

  1. Travel arrangers can create and manage profiles for travellers that are external to their organisation by simply clicking on the + button and following the prompts.

If the External Traveller already has a profile within the platform, you will see them in the dropdown list. Simply click on the travellers name and an email will be sent to the 'owner' of the profile requesting access on your behalf.

Once this owner of the profile has actioned this request, you will receive notification and gain access to the External Travellers to arrange their travel.

Note: Sometimes you will need to contact your Travel Office to assist when 'owners' of profiles no longer work for your organisation. If in doubt, ask for further assistance.

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