Summary Reports


You can only see trips which belong to traveller's that are managed by you.  These travellers will belong to organisation units managed by you (refer to Admin/Organisation Units) or be external travellers that belong to travellers in your organisation units.

The $ figures will be expressed in your organisation's default currency.

Trip Status Report

The Trip Status Report provides a summary of the trips for the report dates selected.

Approved Trips: filters on trips have been Approved/Confirmed/Finalised

Pending Trips: filters on pending trips

Declined Trips: filters on declined trips

High Risk Trips: filters on trips with at least one destination to high risk country

Dual Purpose Trips: filters on trip which have been Approved, Confirmed or Finalised and have a least 1 private travel day

Active Users:  Number of internal users that have actively logged into Nutrip in the period selected

Domestic Trips: filters on trips which have destinations only in domestic country (organisation country base)

International Trips: filters on trips have a least one destination to a country outside of the organisation's country base

Clicking on many of the above will open a pop-up with the detail behind the data. Scroll to the bottom right of the pop-up window and you will see the option to download this data.

Travel Summary Report

The Travel Summary Report provides a summary of the approved trips and their budgets for the report dates selected.

Approved Trips: filters on trips have been Approved/Confirmed/Finalised

Approved Budgets: budgeted spend for above trips in organisation currency

Actual Expenditure: any expenses captured in Nutrip will be in this figure (in the organisation currency)

Carbon Emissions: total of carbon emissions on approved trips

Pending Approvals: filters on trip which are still awaiting approval for travel in the time frame selected

Pending Expenditure:  total budget for the trips still awaiting approval as above

Clicking on many of the above will open a pop-up with the detail behind the data. Scroll to the bottom right of the pop-up window and you will see the option to download this data.

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