A Quick Tour

Here is a summary of some of the features available to you in Nutrip.

Your Profile

Click on the avatar at the top right of the webpage and select 'Profile' from the drop down menu to open your profile. Here you can update your personal details, add a travel arranger, travel companions (such as family), emergency contacts, passport details and supplier memberships.

Emergency Contacts

Add emergency contacts to your profile by clicking on the blue + button. Emergency contacts will automatically added to trip plans as and when required. 

Passport Details

Add passport details to your profile by clicking on the blue + button. You can add as many passports as you require. Check the default option for the passport you intend to use when you travel.

Internal and External Travellers

Clicking the Travellers tab displays internal and external travellers linked to your profile. You need to request permission to access an internal travellers profile. Click on the blue + button to request access. An email will be sent to them requesting them to authorise this. Add an external traveller by clicking on the blue + button adjacent to the heading. If the traveller already exists, you will need to request permission from the owner of the profile before you can access their profile.

Create a Trip Request

Creating a trip request is a core component of Nutrip. Simply click on the + Create button and follow the prompts to create a trip.


The timeline provides a record of the tasks that have been registered against the trip. Users can also add notes to record information relevant to the trip, for example, where you book your flights or a confirmation number provided by a hotel.

Add a Note

Adding notes helps you record and keep track of information relevant to a trip. Very handy when you need to record a quote or information 

Travel Diaries

You are required to complete a travel diary if you include private travel in a trip paid for by the organisation you work for. Clicking on the red travel diary icon opens a calendar view to electronically record diary entries within Nutrip. Diary entries can be added any time after the trip has been approved. 

You will prompted to update and finalise your travel diary at the end of your trip. You must add a diary entry for each day you're away. The system allows you to add bulk entries, for example 5 days private travel.

Travel Expenses

You will be promoted to record expenses for trips created within Nutrip. This allows you to track your expenses against the approved budget. Any expenses you record will automatically flow through to your finance team if that feature has been enabled by your organisation. You can also add expenses using a smartphone (as displayed below).


Standard users have access to expense reports where they are traveller. Expense reports provide a quick overview of the financial status of a trip, including a summary of the approved budget and the expenses that have recorded against the trip.

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