Trip Funding Options

Funding options will vary depending on the configuration of the platform. The following is a summary of some of the funding options available within the platform:

Operationally Funded or Internally Funded

Operationally or internal funding is where the travel is booked and paid for by the organisation.

External Funded
External funding is travel booked and paid for by an external funding source administered by the organisation, for example research grants although your organisation may list research grant funded separately as below.

Third Party Paying or Research Grant Funded
Third party paying is where part or all of the travel expenditure is booked and paid for by another organisation, for example a conference organiser or customer. In some situations, the third party may only cover specific expenses, for example, flights and accommodation. In these situations, travellers should include details of their out of pocket expenses, including land transport, airport transfers and food & beverage expenditure that will be paid for by the organisation.

Personal Contribution
Personal contribution is where the traveller is paying for some or all of the travel out of their own personal finances.

For more information about how your organisations categories work, please refer to the travel policy and procedures pages within Nutrip.

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